Side effects of Masturbating and how to thing you have to know.
Side effects of Masturbating
If you are a teenager then you are daintily attract for a woman. Your needs come in your mind and you watch some porn sites and you Masturbate.
Every porson do that and that's not a bad thing. If you do that in control, like ones in 15 days. If you do that then nothing will be happened with your health but some people do that 3 or 4 times in a day. That's effect your body and you can't gain your mas. You will be skinny. That's not good for health.
Side effects or Masturbating:
1. You loss your energy.
2. Your health is effaced by this.
3. You can't be strong.
4. You can't be a bodybuilder.
5. You can't proforma with your wife.
6. Aloes being depressed.
How to escape from this problem:
1.You have to do install a browser with search filter.
2. Busy with your books, friends.
3. Don't stay alone.
4. Be happy every time.
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