
Showing posts with the label Benefits of yoga in daily life

Benefits of yoga in daily life.

Benefits of yoga in daily life Yoga is a 'sanskrit' word basically, The actual word is 'youva'. That's mean energy. So yoga is a source of energy. Yoga provide energy to our body cells. Our brain and body get relaxation from yoga.Yoga is available in Relaxation and it comes to our body as energy. We will be refreshing as much energy as we continue to grow.   POWER YOGA’S EFFECT ON THE BODY Here's a list of some of the most beneficial aspects of power yoga: It increases endurance, strength, and flexibility. Mental endurance and physical stamina are tested through holding postures for extended breaths. Arm and shoulder strength is increased as you use your own body weight for resistance. Abdominal and obliques are refined and toned through building core muscles. Posture begins to correct itself over time. Hip flexes are stretched and strengthened. No matter what ails your aching body, or if you just want to take your f...